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Mylot - Earn Money for Posting in Discussions!

Earn Money Using myLot. Earn for Discussion, Sharing Photos and Chatting using myLot. As a proud member of myLot, I am providing the information of myLot to explain - What is myLot? How myLot works? Benefits of myLot. Very easy way to earn money and gain knowledge

What is myLot?
myLot is a unique and fun online community filled with members from all over the world discussing topics of everyday life. myLot is a place where members can discuss whatever is on their mind. Whether you want to discuss sports, ask a question on how to find a job, get advice on dating, or just want to talk about what is bothering you, myLot is here for you!

How do you get Paid?

Get paid monthly with minimum account balance of $10 and carry forward of unpaid amounts. You have the option to increase your minimum payment to $25, $50 or $100. All payments will be in US dollars and made via PayPal or iKobo, depending on the country you reside in. All users will be required to have a valid PayPal or iKobo account.

My Review of Mylot

Familiar with Posting in threads in orkut communities?Or even Yahoo Answers? MyLot is pretty much like that except it sorta offers more opportunities for social networking. The site is very easy to use and the interface isn’t cluttered with ads, which is always a good thing.

How much do they pay? I started 5 discussions and made around 5 replies to other people’s questions and earned 10 cents the next day. You basically earn through participating in discussions and your referrals. I found the site to be pretty alright, although some members of the community flash their referral links in always every post they reply. I guess it’s too be expected when you’re in a community where everyone’s primary aim is to make money online.

It took me around 10 minutes to earn 10 cents and I’m pretty sure I could have done it faster. I wouldn’t advise Mylot as the main source of your online income, but it is an interesting way to earn some money while getting answers to the most mundane questions you ever had but were afraid to ask. Stuff like ‘Why is the sky blue in color?’ or ‘What are some cool image hosts?’ apply equally well in the website.

The community is friendly and you’ll probably make some new friends, which is awesome if that’s something you looking forward to. There are over 30,000 members on the site and some have claimed that they have already been paid. I’ll update if this is true once I reach the $10.00 payout level.


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